Careers in social media have seen a growth of over 200% in the past couple of years as companies like Facebook and Twitter reach more users and companies realize the value of interacting with customers on these channels.

Social Media Job Salaries

According to Simply Hired, the average U.S. salary for jobs in social media average $55,000. That’s roughly $20,000 more than the annual salary of an average American in 2010. That’s a great deal considering that a lot of positions in the social media space don’t require a degree.


Average Social Media Salaries


social media



What does this mean for you as a job seeker? There’s a lot of money to be made in this space. What about demand for jobs in social media? Demand for social media jobs is growing, see below.

Social Media Job Trends

The graph below represents the percentage of jobs with social media anywhere in the job listing. As you can see from the graph there has been an increased emphasis on social media for job listings in the marketplace.

From September 2009 to March 2011, job listings with the keywords social media have increased dramatically from .01% to about 1% of all job listings. The demand has grown dramatically in just 18 months. Imagine what it will be like by the end of this year.

Data provided by, a search engine for jobs.